The star cast of Anurag Kashyap's much-awaited film "Bombay Velvet" on Monday unveiled the second trailer of the film. Filmmaker Karan Johar who will be seen in a negative role in the film said for him it was like going to a school working with Kashyap.
"I think it's been the best experience of my life being directed by Anurag Kashyap... from a man that we began to hate which ultimately ended in love. It's been quite a journey for me it was like going to film school," Karan Johar said.
"I also feel Ranbir co-directed the film with Anurag. I felt I was being directed by both. Ranbir has the makings of a great film maker which is his fall back plan," Karan Johar told reporters during the second trailer launch of 'Bombay Velvet'," he added.
"Bombay Velvet" features Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma and Karan Johar among others. The film is slated for May 15 release.
"This film starts in 50s and 60s and there were superficial references when it comes to preparation. I feel the technical side of research was difficult. We were transported in the world of 50s when we came on to the sets," Ranbir said.
"I think it's been the best experience of my life being directed by Anurag Kashyap... from a man that we began to hate which ultimately ended in love. It's been quite a journey for me it was like going to film school," Karan Johar said.
"I also feel Ranbir co-directed the film with Anurag. I felt I was being directed by both. Ranbir has the makings of a great film maker which is his fall back plan," Karan Johar told reporters during the second trailer launch of 'Bombay Velvet'," he added.
"Bombay Velvet" features Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma and Karan Johar among others. The film is slated for May 15 release.
"This film starts in 50s and 60s and there were superficial references when it comes to preparation. I feel the technical side of research was difficult. We were transported in the world of 50s when we came on to the sets," Ranbir said.
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